Sunday, October 22, 2017

My search for employment.

When I sit here and look at my life from a deeper perspective, I see that so many people question or challenge why I want to work. I don't just want to work to prove people wrong, I want to work for myself and make money to earn a better life for myself and my family. I saw a bumper sticker the other day that was made by a disability activist group in the 70's that said "We want to boldly go where everyone else has gone before." That really hits home for me, I just want an opportunity to work just like every other person before me has gotten.

Most people ask me why I wouldn't just want to stay home all day and watch TV. The answer is because I want more for myself and my family than just living off of my disability my entire life. I recognize that I may not be able to work full time seven days a week, but I won't know until I try, so far, I have not been given the same opportunities as other people my age. I have had plenty of interning and volunteering experience, but when it comes to seeking gainful employment companies turn the other way.

Once I interviewed with high level media companies over the phone they loved my resume, until they saw a photo or video of me in my wheelchair. The phone would stop ringing and I would call back to find out that the position had already been filled. Once this becomes a major pattern you start to realize what is truly happening out there. The bottom line is to these large media conglomerates I am a liability not an asset.

In order to be an asset, I have to own my cerebral palsy and be open with it. The truth is a company is going to have to take a risk to hire me one day. As I am finishing up my degree, I am realizing the overt harsh realities of the world. I will not allow myself to be a liability as I finish up my bachelor’s collegiate career. I will be the asset that I know I can be with my cerebral palsy on a daily basis. My experiences in life have not only shaped the man that I am, they will continue to shape the man that I become.

I will continue to fight like hell to highlight my abilities and show the world what I am capable of I also encourage each and every one of you to do the exact same thing. Do your best to find yourself and crash through the glass ceiling that is consuming your life. In today's society, we should highlight what we are all capable of as a people. Do not let anyone stand in the way of your best self!

1 comment:

  1. Maybe serving someone else isn't for you. I thought you enjoyed radio; ever think of starting your own podcast and choosing your own interviews?
