Monday, October 2, 2017

Disabled advocates arrested for standing up for all of us!

Disability Rights Advocates Gear Up For Next Health Care Battle

Disability rights advocates from New York say they and others are starting to make progress in their efforts to change the national conversation around health care. Over 20 Rochester-area residents were among the 101 people arrested for disrupting a Senate health care hearing in Washington on Monday.

This article is extremely important to me because it truly is a striking image. Arresting disabled citizens is not only a hard thing to do, but I can attest to how diffucult it is to move for certain individuals with disabilities. Some of us have stationary spines do to rods or spasticity. The reason they did this is because they believe in the rights of all of us, to have access to Medicaid and basic health necessities. This is life or death for us, I challenge you all not to just let this go and not to forget what these politicians are trying to do. This is our life and we depend on these services for survival, please don't forget us or what we stand for.

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