Monday, October 23, 2017

Disabled employment articles

These are Two very important articles on the search for jobs for disabled individuals a daily basis. This article specifically is about what a bank in Austria is trying to do by hiring more disabled citizens at their company. They talk about it being a win win situation.

However, back home in Massachusetts jobs seem to be a lot harder to come by. As jobs rates increase, it has become harder for people with disabilities to get jobs all across the country. This truly relates to my blog and irks me to my core. I encourage everyone to read and realize the necessity for people with disabilities to receive a chance to bee employed.

Sunday, October 22, 2017

My search for employment.

When I sit here and look at my life from a deeper perspective, I see that so many people question or challenge why I want to work. I don't just want to work to prove people wrong, I want to work for myself and make money to earn a better life for myself and my family. I saw a bumper sticker the other day that was made by a disability activist group in the 70's that said "We want to boldly go where everyone else has gone before." That really hits home for me, I just want an opportunity to work just like every other person before me has gotten.

Most people ask me why I wouldn't just want to stay home all day and watch TV. The answer is because I want more for myself and my family than just living off of my disability my entire life. I recognize that I may not be able to work full time seven days a week, but I won't know until I try, so far, I have not been given the same opportunities as other people my age. I have had plenty of interning and volunteering experience, but when it comes to seeking gainful employment companies turn the other way.

Once I interviewed with high level media companies over the phone they loved my resume, until they saw a photo or video of me in my wheelchair. The phone would stop ringing and I would call back to find out that the position had already been filled. Once this becomes a major pattern you start to realize what is truly happening out there. The bottom line is to these large media conglomerates I am a liability not an asset.

In order to be an asset, I have to own my cerebral palsy and be open with it. The truth is a company is going to have to take a risk to hire me one day. As I am finishing up my degree, I am realizing the overt harsh realities of the world. I will not allow myself to be a liability as I finish up my bachelor’s collegiate career. I will be the asset that I know I can be with my cerebral palsy on a daily basis. My experiences in life have not only shaped the man that I am, they will continue to shape the man that I become.

I will continue to fight like hell to highlight my abilities and show the world what I am capable of I also encourage each and every one of you to do the exact same thing. Do your best to find yourself and crash through the glass ceiling that is consuming your life. In today's society, we should highlight what we are all capable of as a people. Do not let anyone stand in the way of your best self!

Monday, October 16, 2017

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Challenges can make you a better person

I woke up today thinking that I would give an update on my health, but I really want to talk about my attitude. I am so grateful that I get to wake up everyday and pursue my dream of going to college and bettering myself on a daily basis. I used to be against hard work and not pushing myself until I realized that I am my own obstacle. Once in a while I go through the day moping around, but I always catch myself before I get to down and remind myself what lies ahead in my life.

I have to keep working to be a better person daily otherwise I will strive for nothing and that is no help at all. I realize now that I am a better person when I put my best foot forward on a daily basis. I have been job searching lately but I am quickly realizing that finishing school may be my best option before I even think about getting a job. The happiest I get is right after I complete a long assignment for class or for fun talking sports.

I am learning daily that my disability can be my ability and that I can make my own path. I have to show people what I am capable of and I am finally confident enough in myself to do so. Our country is so polarized that I hope people are able to focus on what really matters, allowing people with disabilities the same ability to apply for jobs.

I am looking forward to graduating to show the world not only what I am capable of, but what others with disabilities are truly capable of. We want to be able to show our abilities not our disabilities to employers and the rest of the world. It is time we get that opportunity and I want to be the champion of this cause. An opportunity is all we ask and we will show the world that challenges can make you a better person.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Life can be so many things

Today, I woke up to the realization that I had homework and got that done and then realized I had until Sunday to file taxes for my wife. Two things that most people don't necessarily look forward to. On top of that, my cat decided to pee on my wheelchair cushion over night, so my wife had to wash it before I could do anything. Busy days like this leave me burning the candle at both ends. However, I love that because I don't think of my pain until the end of the day.

Days like today also remind me why I married my wife she is my warrior and fights for the both of us daily. It's crazy being married to me on a daily basis. I think that's probably what goes through her head on a daily basis. We work so hard each day battling our own ailments that most people don't get to see around our house and out in the world. She showed me her strength and courage as she always does by taking care of me on a daily basis. Our lives can be a challenge but we battle on together.

I will never forget how hard she works daily and whether dealing with health insurance companies, medicaid, or anything else that comes down the pipe we handle it together. The cp battle continues daily and I still am battling changes in my medication and I can't do it without her. Productivity was strong for me today and I am proud of the fact that we were able to get a lot done.

I am looking forward to dealing with my gastroparesis in the coming weeks and it is still bothering me daily. I can't wait to go to the doctor and get my stomach checked out and hopefully get on medication of some sort. We will see what happens in the coming days as of now, I know my stomach hangs on to 65 percent of the food I eat on a daily basis. That's all I have for now and I will be posting later this week on a different topic related to cp and gastroparesis.

Monday, October 2, 2017

Disabled advocates arrested for standing up for all of us!

Disability Rights Advocates Gear Up For Next Health Care Battle

Disability rights advocates from New York say they and others are starting to make progress in their efforts to change the national conversation around health care. Over 20 Rochester-area residents were among the 101 people arrested for disrupting a Senate health care hearing in Washington on Monday.

This article is extremely important to me because it truly is a striking image. Arresting disabled citizens is not only a hard thing to do, but I can attest to how diffucult it is to move for certain individuals with disabilities. Some of us have stationary spines do to rods or spasticity. The reason they did this is because they believe in the rights of all of us, to have access to Medicaid and basic health necessities. This is life or death for us, I challenge you all not to just let this go and not to forget what these politicians are trying to do. This is our life and we depend on these services for survival, please don't forget us or what we stand for.

Instagram life story

This is the story of what my wife and I go through on a daily basis. Our lives are difficult yet we preserve everyday. Even if it is a horrible day with pain or doctors appointments we manage. These pictures tell our story a unique one that is truly only ours.