My favorite month of this year so far is November because it is finally starting to cool off in Florida. Being in a black wheelchair daily in Florida can be miserable six months out of the year. I am extremely grateful that I am able to roll outside now and not immediately start sweating daily. This month also is my favorite because this is the start of the holiday season and with Thanksgiving and Christmas coming up I realize how grateful I am to be able to live another year.
This year has been a big challenge for me both physically and mentally. I have had to do with my gastroparesis diagnosis and my wife's own health issues as well. This year has taught me to be grateful for the little things and not to sweat the small stuff. As I look forward into heading into the next year I see myself becoming healthier mentally and physically. I am also looking forward to spending time with my family this holiday season. It is always reassuring knowing that people have your back and care about you.
My job is to be the best me that I can be on a daily basis. That means that I need to be better at monitoring the food that I put in my body on a daily basis. This is my time to take back my health and to be a better version of myself. I also need to keep my mind focusing on the positive things in my life and not the negative thoughts. The power of positive thinking is something that I truly believe in on a daily basis, but I can absolutely do a better job of following my own advice. I look forward to ending this semester on a high note by doing my best on every single assignment.
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