Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Hunter Turner: My Life with cerebral Palsy introduction 2017

In order to start this blog, I have to start at the beginning. I was born on September 5th, 1991, I was born in Gainesville, Florida at UF Health (formerly Shands) I like to say that I was born to be a Gator.  I was also born at 25 weeks with my eyes still fused shut I laid in the NICU for weeks. As my parents would later find out, I had cerebral palsy due to lack of oxygen to my brain at birth.

The doctors told my parents I would never walk, talk, see, hear or do anything that children normally do. So, they told my parents they should consider pulling the plug because I wouldn't have a high quality of life. Thankfully, my parents didn't listen to them and although I am in a wheelchair, I can do pretty much anything anyone else can with a computer. I can talk and thank the Lord because I want to do radio and television for a living because I talk so much.

I am blind in one eye but that hasn't stopped from attending the University of Florida as a Telecommunications major. This blog will take you through the trials and tribulations that I have been through in the past along with the present. I will also take you through the triumphs of my past and present.  l want this blog to be about cerebral palsy awareness and my hope is that I can help those people have a better understanding of what it's like to live with cp. Also, if I can help anyone living with or struggling with it that would be great as well. Here is a link to my documentary I made a long time ago and it is called. Hunter's Story.

This is my second time taking this course as I had to medically withdrawal the first time. This blog will be personal and raw as I deal with cerebral palsy on a daily basis. The reason I had to withdrawal from this course the first time is because of my osteoarthritis and gastroparesis a condition which affects the body's digestion system especially in people with cp. However, if you take one thing from me it's to never give up on a goal or a dream. I look forward to having a great semester with you all.    


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