Thursday, September 21, 2017

New Beginnings: September 21, 2017

Image credit belongs to

In my opinion, living with cerebral palsy can be more difficult than people understand. Yes, it is cool to not have to walk up twenty flights of stairs a day. However, no one talks about some of the complications that go into living with cp. The main one that I am living with currently is called gastroparesis. The reason that I decided to label this post new beginnings is because I am working my way through learning how to live with this stomach ailment.

Today marks a new chapter in my life as I prepare to battle this pesky disease on a daily basis. Basically, my stomach does not digest the food that I eat fast enough and this can cause stomach pain and illness. So, I have been studying different diets trying to find the right one for my body to handle. The basic principle of the diet is low fiber and low fat which sounds opposite of what I was taught as a kid.

I am taking back control of what goes into my body and I want to inspire others to do the same. This post is therapeutic for me as I continue on my journey with cp and gastroparesis. One of the causes of this disease is the medication that I take on a daily basis to fight my spasticity due to cerebral palsy. Some of these medications are known to slow digestion in the body and cause more harm than good.

Our goal is to find the root cause of the problem and eliminate it from my daily medication pack. This is the next chapter of my life. I will keep everyone updated as these medication changes cause temporary pain for long term relief. Today is day one of a long road ahead to a happier healthier me. This blog is going to help me get to where I need my body and mind to be. I am writing through the pain right now, but you never know tomorrow could bring a little relief to my body and mind.    

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Hunter Turner: My Life with cerebral Palsy introduction 2017

In order to start this blog, I have to start at the beginning. I was born on September 5th, 1991, I was born in Gainesville, Florida at UF Health (formerly Shands) I like to say that I was born to be a Gator.  I was also born at 25 weeks with my eyes still fused shut I laid in the NICU for weeks. As my parents would later find out, I had cerebral palsy due to lack of oxygen to my brain at birth.

The doctors told my parents I would never walk, talk, see, hear or do anything that children normally do. So, they told my parents they should consider pulling the plug because I wouldn't have a high quality of life. Thankfully, my parents didn't listen to them and although I am in a wheelchair, I can do pretty much anything anyone else can with a computer. I can talk and thank the Lord because I want to do radio and television for a living because I talk so much.

I am blind in one eye but that hasn't stopped from attending the University of Florida as a Telecommunications major. This blog will take you through the trials and tribulations that I have been through in the past along with the present. I will also take you through the triumphs of my past and present.  l want this blog to be about cerebral palsy awareness and my hope is that I can help those people have a better understanding of what it's like to live with cp. Also, if I can help anyone living with or struggling with it that would be great as well. Here is a link to my documentary I made a long time ago and it is called. Hunter's Story.

This is my second time taking this course as I had to medically withdrawal the first time. This blog will be personal and raw as I deal with cerebral palsy on a daily basis. The reason I had to withdrawal from this course the first time is because of my osteoarthritis and gastroparesis a condition which affects the body's digestion system especially in people with cp. However, if you take one thing from me it's to never give up on a goal or a dream. I look forward to having a great semester with you all.